10 Tips To Frame An Excellent Free Classified Ad

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

For instant free classified ad, I will share quick tips to give you an insight to produce high performing online advertisements. I know you don’t have much time to read this blog, but I still know that you are fast at consuming information. But before leaving the page ensure that you digest the information even if you don’t chew it properly. Please read the following tips carefully:
  1. Headline:
    Head Line is the crux of a classified ad; it must constitute product name & a silent reason why users should buy it. For example, if you want to sell a used sofa set, the headline should be “luxurious sofa set for a cozy living area”.
  2. Product Image:
    Product image is the life thread of online advertisements. It is rightly said that “the best marketer is the best buyer”; use an image that will not only appeal, but will also cause an indulgence to the user for your product.
  3. Make & Model: It happens many times that a customer sees a product online and upon inquiry he neither finds the same model nor other models similar to it. Therefore, it is important to mention the available make & model of product.
  4. Price Range Price:Price is one of the factors that influences point of purchase. Being a seller, you must mention the exact price of the commodity displayed as well as the price range of similar products of different sizes.
  5. Limit Offer: It is important to drive customers to immediately buy your product. Limit product availability or promotional offer to 12hrs or 2 days so that customers would hurry to buy it instantly instead of delaying it.
  6. Product Description:If all the above tips are followed properly and hit customers, then they will make an extra effort to read the description of your product. Make it a point to mention each detail (dimensions & specifications) in the description to keep your free classified ad transparent & accurate.
  7. URL:When the customer would be involved in your product, he would like to browse more products on your website. Don’t miss URL as it makes online advertisements user-friendly as well as search engine friendly.
  8. Phone Number:
    Mention your phone number in online advertisements so that the user can reach you quickly. It should be written separately from the main address to gain more attention.
  9. Address Details:
    It has been observed that users trust only those ads that have geographic address not others. Increase your credibility by specifying your location.
  10. Noise on Social Media Sites:For a free classified ad to be excellent, it is important to have excellent viewership as well. Promote your ad on social media sites to get more visitors.
By following above tips, you can beat competitors and win the target market with powerful online advertisements. This blog is meant for all those who are willing to learn “how to frame an effective free classified ad ?” If you want to know more about the subject, feel free to drop your inquiry in the comment box.

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